
A web-application designed to predict wind turbine energy generation at a specific location, with features such as interactive maps, customizable turbine models, and automatically optimizing turbine locations. The app’s interface is easy-to-use, and lets anyone with an Internet connection play a part in future energy sustainability. Windsim has the potential to empower communities, promote transparency, and support data-driven decision-making in wind farm planning and optimization.
Technologies used: React, RTK Query, Node.js, Google APIs

Dive into the captivating and demanding realm of legislative politics with NationBuildr. Step into the shoes of a political party, make promises to win support, craft tactical alliances, and enact laws that will define your virtual nation’s destiny. Are you prepared to steer through the complexities of politics?
Technologies used: React, RTK Query, Node.js

This educational game invites players to delve into the microscopic world of a single-celled organism. Navigate through the challenges posed by nature in dynamic platform for learning about cellular functions and survival strategies.
Technologies used: p5.js
Minimum Wage Simulator

This simulator employs a minimalist design, utilizing an agent-based model in which each worker and firm acts as an independent agent striving to maximize their utility. The workers are differentiated by varying skill levels, which influences their employability. Users have the ability to modify several parameters, including the total number of workers, the number of entry-level workers, and the minimum and maximum employment percentages. The minimum employment percentage corresponds to the necessary baseline staff for certain businesses—for instance, a fast-food restaurant that requires at least three workers on the premises. Conversely, the maximum employment percentage limits overstaffing, such as in a firm that cannot exceed a certain number of workers to maintain efficiency or due to regulatory constraints.
More info in this post
Technologies used: Javascript, p5.js
Projectile Motion Simulator

An applet to simulate projectile motion, which serves as a practical tool for deepening students’ grasp of kinematics concepts, works best when used in conjunction with traditional educational resources. This simulator helps students play with and understand physics in ways that a textbook can’t provide.
Technologies used: p5.js